Safety Statement
At Poppins Montessori, we aim to provide a safe and secure environment to ensure staff and children are protected in as far as is practical from risks and hazards. We will endeavour to ensure the health, well being and personal safety of all children in our service through the implementation of robust policies and procedures and by developing and regularly reviewing accident prevention procedures and fire safety. We do this by having proper and adequate accident and emergency procedures and by reviewing these and carrying out risk and hazard audits regularly. Although we adhere to the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and all safety precautions and guidelines, accidents may occur.
Principles/Procedures for Responding to an Accident/Incident:
The following principles/procedures are observed in the provision and practice in our service:
General Safety
Regular review and assessment of safety procedures and risks.
Ensuring all staff are aware of emergency numbers which are prominently displayed.
Always having the required number of adults present at all times – adhering to the correct staff/child ratios.
All relevant personnel have up to date First Aid Training and we have a complete First Aid Box which is accessible.
The safety and welfare of the child is always the first consideration if a child is injured or an accident occurs.
After an accident, as soon as practicable, the Accident Report Form is completed and recorded in the Accident Book.
The Owner is informed of serious accidents or incidents.
Parents are always informed of incidents or accidents involving their child and requested to sign the relevant form.
The Owner will review the accident and incident reports annually.
Children can only be collected by a parent/guardian or an adult named on the authorisation for collection form. Prior permission from a parent/guardian must be given before anyone else can collect his/her child. Written prior permission must be sought from parents for any child going home with another child’s parent on a play date from the preschool.
Adequate measures taken to ensure that no unauthorised person can gain access to the premises. We have a security key pad on the gate and the code is only known to those authorised to collect children from Poppins. This number is not given to the children.
Staff call a the daily roll so they are aware how many children are present at any given time and children are signed in and out when they arrive and leave the service.
Furniture and equipment are laid out and maintained to minimise safety risks and allow space for movement.
All safety requirements under the relevant regulations are adhered to.
Full insurance cover is in place including public liability and employer’s liability. This is arranged with Padraic Smith Insurance.
Electric sockets not in use are covered with childproof covers.
Rubbish is kept to a minimum and disposed of regularly.
All cleaning equipment/materials are stored in original containers and manufacturer’s instructions strictly adhered to. These items are stored at adult height in a locked press.
First Aid and Accidents and Incidents:
An accident and incident record book is kept and all accidents/incidents are recorded. This is filled out by the manager and witnessed by a staff member. Parents are required to countersign the record to acknowledge they have been informed.
All major accidents are reported to the insurance company.
Proper, adequate written records are kept for each child with the relevant personal and medical details. These are always easily and quickly accessible in case of accidents or emergencies.
At least one member of staff holds a current first aid certificate. The Manager always has a current certificate.
There is a fully equipped first aid box on the premises at all times. Monthly checks are carried out to ensure it is properly stocked.
The number for the doctor on call is displayed on the notice board.
Minor accidents are treated with a first aider and reported to a parent.
Major accidents are treated with first aid while awaiting a doctor or ambulance. Parent or authorised contact person is called. If all reasonable efforts to contact parent are unsuccessful, emergency medical treatment will be given, if a doctor deems it necessary. Authorisation for this will be received in writing at the time of registration.
Fire Safety:
Plans for fire drill and evacuation have been prepared and are detailed in the first safety record.
Smoke alarms are fitted in all rooms used by the children.
A heat detector is located in the kitchen.
A fire extinguisher and fire blanket are located in the classroom and the kitchen.
All doors exiting the premises have thumb turns rather than keys for quick access.
A fire safety register is kept.
A fire drill is carried out monthly.
A copy of all fire drills is kept on file..
Fire exits are kept clear and unobstructed.
Staff are informed of fire safety procedures and instructed in the uses of fire safety equipment.
All electrical appliances are switched off and unplugged at the end of each session.
Smoking is not permitted on the premises.
A daily register is kept of those in attendance and is easily accessible.
This policy was adopted at a meeting of the childcare service.